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Hopkins County Schools are under the following 2 School Districts: Dawson Springs In, and Hopkins Co. Both School Districts are comprised of 10 Elementary schools, 5 Middle schools, and 3 High schools.

Hanson Elementary School holds classrooms from PK- 5th grade and has a total of 421 students. Seventy eight students attend Kindergarten; Eighty eight students attend the 1st grade; Eighty two students attend the 2nd grade; Eighty two students attend the 3 rd grade; Eighty eight students attend the 4th grade; Eighty one students attend the 5th grade. This Elementary School has approximately 29 teachers with a Student Ratio of 1:17. Hanson Elementary School student ethnic background is as follows: Hispanic 1%, Black 4%, and White 95%.

Browning Springs Middle School has approximately 533 students attending grades 6th – 8th. This Middle School has a total of 33 teachers with a Teacher Student Ratio of 1:16 . One hundred and seventy four students attend the 6th grade; One hundred and eighty nine students attend the 7th grade; One hundred and seventy students attend the 8th grade. Browning Springs Middle School has the following ethnic background: Asian 2%,Hispanic 1%, Black 15%, and White 83%.

Madisonville North Hopkins High School provides classes for students attending 9th - 12th grade. Approximately 69 teachers teach the schools curriculum to 1070 students. Three hundred and seven students attend the 9th grade; Three hundred and one students dents attend the 10th grade; Two hundred and twenty seven students attend the 11th grade; Two hundred and thirty five students attend the 12th grade. Madisonville North Hopkins High School has a Teacher Student Ratio of 1:16 and has the following ethnic background: Asian 1%, Hispanic 1%, Black 13%, and White 85%.

Contact information:

Hanson Elementary School
121 Eastlawn Road
Hanson, KY 42413
Phone: (270) 825-6166
E-mail: sandra.rice@hopkins.kyschools.us

Browning Springs Middle School
357 West Arch Street
Madisonville, KY 42301
Phone: (270) 825-6006

Madisonville North Hopkins High School
4515 Hanson Road
Phone: (270) 825-6017
Fax: (270) 825-6045


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